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Underpants are things of attire worn underneath external garments, more often than not in coordinate contact with the skin, despite the fact that they may involve more than a solitary layer. They serve to shield external articles of clothing from being filthy or harmed by real discharges, to reduce the grating of outerwear against the skin, to shape the body, and to give covering or support to parts of it. In icy climate, long clothing is here and there worn to give extra warmth. Unique kinds of underpants have religious noteworthiness. A few things of garments are planned as underpants, while others, for example, T-shirts and certain sorts of shorts, are fitting both as underpants and as external attire. In the event that made of reasonable material or material, a few underpants can fill in as nightwear or bathing suits, and some are proposed for sexual fascination or visual interest.
