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In case you have surpassed the suggested measurement or a tyke has ingested KWIKNIC, please contact a specialist promptly. Overdose side effects incorporate cerebral pain, disorder, loose bowels and stomach torment. May incite cerebral pain, sickness, hiccups, regurgitating, throat bothering, dyspepsia, abundance salivation, sore mouth or throat, jaw muscle throb and rest unsettling influence.

Counsel your specialist before utilizing KWIKNIC

In the event that you are pregnant, bosom encouraging.

In the event that you have any restorative condition including uncontrolled circulatory strain, stomach ulcer, kidney or liver sicknesses, heart or course issues, hypersensitivities, irritation of mouth, overactive thyroid, adrenal organ disease or on the off chance that you are insulin dependant.

On the off chance that you are taking any solution including those containing theophylline, tacrine, clozapine or ropinirol

On the off chance that you have had past responses to gums or other nicotine containing items
